Economic and Environmental Geology (자원환경지질)
- Volume 26 Issue 2
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- Pages.217-226
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- 1993
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- 1225-7281(pISSN)
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- 2288-7962(eISSN)
Contamination of Heavy Metals in Stream Sediments in the Vicinity of the Sambo Pb-Zn-Barite Mine
삼보 연-아연-중정석 광산 주변 하상퇴적물에서의 중금속 오염 연구
- Kim, Sang-Hyun ;
Chon, Hyo-Taek
(Dept. of Mineral and Petroleum Eng., Seoul National Univ.)
- Received : 1993.02.25
- Published : 1993.04.30
Stream sediment samples were collected in the vicinity of the Sambo Pb-Zn-barite mine in order to investigate dispersion patterns and pollution levels of heavy metals, and to find out their mode of occurrences. Those samples were analyzed for Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, and Mn by using partial extraction and sequential extraction methods. Stream sediments of this studied area has been contaminated severely by Pb, Zn, and Cd. Dispersion patterns of heavy metals in those sediments are different according to their pollution source and sampling distance from the mine. The stream sediment pH is generally neutral in control area, and is slightly acidic in the lower part of tailing dam. The main pollution source of stream sediments was confirmed as tailing and mine drainage. Their pollution level depends mainly on inflowed water and distance from the mine. The tolerance index ranges from -0.9 to 0.7. The mode of occurrances of heavy metals in polluted stream sediment are identified as Fe-Mn oxides, organic bounded and carbonate-bounded compound which show high potential of bioavailablity.