Korean Journal of Agricultural Science (농업과학연구)
- Volume 20 Issue 2
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- Pages.125-132
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- 1993
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- 2466-2402(pISSN)
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- 2466-2410(eISSN)
Relationship Between Sources and Sinks in Tillering Maize, Zea mays L.
분얼형(分蘖型) 옥수수에 있어서 Source와 Sink의 관계(關係)
Lee, Hee-Bong
(Dept. of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Chungnam National University) ;
- Choe, Bong-Ho (Dept. of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Chungnam National University) ;
- Lee, Won Koo (Dept. of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Chungnam National University) ;
Ji, Hee Chuung
(Dept. of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Chungnam National University)
- Published : 1993.12.31
This study was carried out to understand the relationship between sources and sinks in tillering maize hybrid. A non-tillering hybrid was included as check hybrid, The following treatments were imposed on the two hybrids at tasseling stages: 1) no leaves removed, 2) all leaves removed, 3) leaves above 1st ear node removed, 4) leaves below 1st ear node removed and 5) only 1st ear removed. The experiment was arranged in a split plot with hybrids as main plots and treatments as sub plots. Results obtained were summarized as follows: Plant heights in control were significantly higher in both hybrids than other treatments, No significant differences of plant height were observed among treatments of leaf removal in both hybrids. No significant differences of kernel weights of plant were found between locations of leaf removal, But seed weight of tillering hybrids was about 10 to 15% heavier than that of non-tillering hybrid. Stem weight showed the same tendency as the kernel weights. Leaf removal above the ear node lowered kernel weight significantly up to 60% compared with no leaf removal. The leaf removal below the ear node lowered the kernel weight about 40%. The effects of leaf removal on kernel weight was more serious in the non-tillering hybrid than in the tillering hybrid. Contribution of each part to the total dry matter varied with position of leaf removal. When no leaves were removed, contribution of each part to the total dry matter was great in the order of kernel weight, leaf weight and culm weight. When leaves above the ear node were removed, the contribution of each part to the total dry matter was in the order of culm weight, leaf weight and kernel weight. When leaves below the ear node were removed, the contribution of kernel weight was greater than the contribution of leaf and culm weights.
형태적(形態的)으로 서로 다른 두 교잡종(交雜種) 옥수수의 물질(物質) 생산성(生産性) 형질(形質)(source)에 대한 저장(貯藏) 수용능력(受容能力)(sink)효과를 비교하고자 대조구(對照區)인 무처리(無處理)를 포함하여 전체엽(全體葉) 제거구, 첫째이삭 절위(節位)의 상위엽(上位葉) 제거구, 첫째이삭 절위(節位)의 하위엽(下位葉) 제거구, 첫째이삭만 제거구등 5개 처리에 대한 생육특성(生育特性) 및 종실중(種實重)에 미치는 효과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 간장(肝腸)은 두 공시 교잡종(交雜種) 모두 무처리(無處理)에서 가장 컸으나 기타 처리간에는 큰 차이가 없었다. 2. 엽중(葉重)은 상위엽제거구(上位葉除去區)와 하위엽제거구(下位葉除去區)에서 분얼형(分蘖型)이나 무분얼형(無分蘖型) 모두 같은 수준이었으나 교잡종간에는 분얼형(分蘖型)의 엽중(葉重)이 무분얼형(無分蘖型)보다 5-10g정도가 많았으며, 줄기무게 엽중(葉重)과 비슷한 경향이었다. 4. 공시종 모두가 입중(粒重)은 무처리에 비해 낮았는데 특히 무처리에 비해 상위엽(上位葉) 제거구가 60%정도 낮았고 하위엽(下位葉)제거구는 40%정도가 낮았는데 분얼형(分蘖型) 보다는 무분얼형(無分蘖型)의 옥수수에서 입중(粒重)의 감소가 켰다. 5. 분산분석(分散分析) 결과 줄기중(重)과 입중(粒重)은 교장종간에 큰 차이를 보였고, 처리간(處理間), 교잡종(交雜種)과 처리간(處理間) 상호작용(相互作用)에 있어서는 조사된 모든 특성(特性)에서 유의성(有意性)이 인정 되었다. 6. 전체(全體) 건물중(乾物重)에 대한 각 부위별(部位別) 기여도(寄與度)를 보면 무처리에서는 입중(粒重), 엽중(葉重), 줄기중(重) 순(順)으로 나타났고 상위엽(上位葉)제거구는 줄기중(重), 엽중(葉重), 입중(粒重) 순(順)이었는데 비해 하위엽(下位葉)제거구는 입중(粒重)의 기여(寄與)가 매우 컸으며 다음은 엽중(葉重)과 줄기무게가 같은 수준으로 나타났다.