체표(體表)길이 변화(變化)의 상관성(相關性) 연구(硏究) - 다리(下肢) 동작(動作)에 따른 변화량(變化量)을 중심(中心)으로 -

A Study on Correlation among Length Changes of Body Surface Total lines and Segment Lines -Changed Amount Caused by the Lower Limb Movements-

  • Cho, Sung Hee (Department of Home Economics, Education Jeonju University)
  • 투고 : 1993.08.06
  • 발행 : 1993.09.01


The Purposes of this study were to investigate the significant correlation among the length changes of body surface total lines and between the length changes of body surface total lines and those of component body surface segment lines, and to reveal anticipated relation among body surface length changes by the lower limb movement including all movement direction of hip joint, knee joint & ankle joint for the more functional clothing making & designing. 10 Crosswise & 5 lengthwise body surface total lines and 48 crosswise & 39 lengthwise body surface segment lines of 26 female college students aged from 18 to 24 years were measured directly on the body surface and analyzed by ANOYA & Multiple Comparison Test(Tukey), and the length changes of them were calculated as the difference of the mean length at Fl movement from the mean length at each movement and were analyzed by PEARSON CORRELATION. The results were as following : 1. Correlation among the length changes of body surface total lines (1) Correlation among the length changes of body surface total lines significantly changed by the movement ; 1) The more GA5 expanded, the more GA6 & GA7 each expanded, and the more GA18 expanded, the more GA1 & GA3 each expanded. 2) The more GA15 expanded, the less GA14 each contracted. 3) The more GA7 expanded, the larger GA17 contracted. 4) The more GA1 & GA18 expanded, the larger GA16 contracted, and the larger GM contracted, the less GA16 contracted. (2) Only GA7 and GA17(at F4) showed high (over r=0.7) correlation coefficient, But others' correlation coefficients were r=0.4~0.7. (3) Correlation coefficients among & between girth items and length items 1) Correlation coefficients among girth items were shown + ; between GA3 and GA4, GA5, GA8, between GA5 and GA6, GA7, GA9 each, between GA1 and GA6 and between GA4 and GA7. 2) Correlation coefficients among length items were shown + or - ; shown + between GA14 and GA15 and between GA17 and GA16 ; but Shown - Between GAlS and GA16. 3) Correlation coefficients between girth items and length items were mainly shown - : shown-between GA1 and GA16, GA17, between, GA4 and GA16, between GA6, GA7 each and GA17, between GA8 and GA18 ; but shown + between GA1, GA3 each and GA18 and between GA8 and GA14 were shown +. 2. Correlation between the length changes of body surface total lines and those of component body surface segment lines. (1) All correlation coefficients were + except A147 of GA14. (2) Correlation coefficient over r=0.7 was shown ; between GA3 and CB3, A35 each, between GA5 and A054, between GA6 and A63, between GA7 and A72, A74 each, between GA8 and A83, A84 each, between GA15 and A153, between GA16 and Al64, Al65 each, between GA18 and A189 : but was not shown between GA4, GA17 and it's component body surface segment lines each. (3) Characteristics of correlation between the length changes of body surface total lines and those of body surface segment lines ; 1) If significant correlation of body surface total lines were expansion parts, it's component body surface segment lines was also expansion segment and the otherwise were the same. But exception was shown between expansion line GA3 and A031 (at F4), between GA18 and AlS9 (at F6) and between GA14 and A147, so to speak GA3 & lines and GA14 was contraction total line oppositely A147 was expansion. 2) The more GA3, GAlS expanded, the less A031, A189 contracted. 3) The more GA14 contracted, the more A147 expanded. 4) All correlation except the above 2), 3), the more total lines (GA1, GA3, GA5, GA15, GA16, GA18) expanded, the more segment lines (A15, CB1, A31, A34, CB3, A52, A54, A153, A169, A181) expanded, or the larger total lines (GA14, GA16, GA17) contracted, the larger segment lines (A141, A142, A161, A164, A165, A172) contracted.



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