어선선원(漁船船員)의 노동조건(勤勞條件) 개선방안(改善方案)에 관한 연구(硏究)

A Study on Reform Directions for Promotion of Fishermen's Labor Condition

  • 발행 : 1993.08.31


The Korea Seaman's Act is providing that fishermen s salaries are exceptionally defined and working hours and paid leave are not defined at all. Significant problems of Fishermen's Labor Condition are, (1) It is hard to guarantee the basic right of fishermen as their wages are variable depending on the catch. (2) Excessive working hours would hamper the labor reproduction ability and increase the frequency of disaster. (3) Moreover, fishermen have to search for a new job following the lay off after working aboard during the period defined by contract. The possible implement of Seamen's Act are : (1) The wage system must be unified by regular wages. If it is hard to perish the lay system its relative importance should be diminished whereas the fixed minimum wages and the allowance depending on the position and working days should be paid. (2) This discrimination of the fishing vessels from merchant should be eliminated by removing the item on the Act which excludes the fishermen on the working hours. If it is hard to do so practically the lower regulations defining the maximum periods of duty and minimum periods of rest for fishermen must enact separately as in Japan and England. (3) The difference in the provisions of paid leave between the merchant seamen and fishermen must be abolished (4) It is the most desirable to improve the fishermen's labor conditions through the completion of the Act. However, before doing this, the employers and employees must try to solve the problems through the collective agreement by themselves.
