An Exploration of GDSS Research Areas Through the Review of "groupthink" Literature

집단사고의 이론적고찰을 통한 GDSS 연구영역의 탐색

  • 최무진 (대구 계명대학교 경영정보학과) ;
  • 손달호 (계명대학교 상업교육과)
  • Published : 1993.06.30


This paper reviewed major GDSS literatures from the "groupthink" standpoint, proposed a new framework for GDSS research, and suggested research issues. Despite a sizable amount of GDSS research for a dacade, the results tend to lack consistency, and still more studies are needed in many areas. One way to overcome the limitations is the thorough review of GDSS literatures and "groupthink" theories. Especially, groupthink/decision-making literatures provide many useful insights and guidelines for further exploring new GDSS research areas.
