An Empirical Study on the Use of CASE Tools for Efficient Software Development

효율적 S/W 개발을 위한 CASE 도구 활용의 실증적 연구

  • 전응섭 (인덕전문대학 사무자동화과) ;
  • 남상조 (신구전문대학 경영과)
  • Published : 1993.06.30


Computer Aided Software Engineering(CASE) tools are suggested as an automated method for the efficient development of softwares. This study are intended to measure the use level of CASE tools and to provide the meaningful information on the whole software development environment supported by CASE tools. Therefore, the results of a survey on CASE environment in Korea are empirically reported and analyzed. The use of CASE tools is measured; purposes purchasing CASE tools and achievement levels are investigated. Implications from the comparative analysis of the utilization of software engineering methodologies between the CASE user group and the non-user group are described. A proposition is suggested to check the request frequency for program change. Further studies on the reverse engineering, program reuse and the use of CASE tools under distributed processing systems such as client-server environments are suggested.
