작물의 내염성 기작연구 I. 염분농도에 따른 보리, 호밀, 이탈리안 라이그래스 종자의 발아생리반응

Mechanisms of Salt Tolerance in Crop Plants I. Physiological Responses of Barley, Rye and Italian Ryegrass Seed Germination to NaCl Concentrations

  • 발행 : 1993.08.01


호밀, 보리, 이탈리안라이그래스에 대하여 NaCl로 염분농도를 높여가며 실험한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 종자의 발아율은 호밀이 종자자체의 활력에 의해 염분을 처리하지 않은 구와 0.5%이하의 염분조건에서 높은 발아율과 발아세를 보였던 반면 고농도의 염분조건에서는 발아율이 떨어졌으나 보리의 경우는 0.8%의 염분농도까지는 발아율이 80%이상을 보였고, 이탈리안라이그래스의 경우 염분농도의 증가에 따른 발아율 감소는 보리나 호밀에 비하여 심하지 않았다. 2. 수분 흡수율은 보리의 경우 호밀보다 낮았음에도 불구하고 발아율은 증가했으며 또한 종자의 흡수율에 있어서 염분농도가 높을 경우 흡수수분의 감소정도가 흐밀보다 보리에서 심하지 않았다. 3. 탄수화물은 보리의 경우 염분의 함량이 높아짐에 따라 전분은 감소의 정도가 약했고 환원당은 염분농도 흡수시간의 지속에 따라 별다른 변화의 양상이 없었다. 호밀의 경우는 0.3%의 염분농도까지는 환원당의 함량이 증가하는 경향이었으며 흡수 20시간 이후에는 환원당의 함량이 급증하였다. 4. 염분의 흡수정도는 염분농도가 높을수록 시간이 경과함에 따라 흡수의 정도가 증가하는 경향이었고 $\beta-amylase 활력은 염분을 처리하지 않은구와 0.6%의 염분농도에서 높게 나타났다.

This experiment was conducted to elucidate the salt tolerance mechanism of crop plants. Plants used in this experiment were rye, barley, Italian ryegrass. Seeds were treated at saline condition and the saline conditions were controlled by NaCl. The results were summerized as follows. In rye, germination ratio and speed were above 90% and 80% at NaCl concentrations below 0.5% but germination ratio was seriously decreased at NaCl concentration above 0.6%. In barley germination ratio was not less than 80% at NaCl concentration below 0.8%. In italian rye grass germination ratio was decreased gradually by increasing NaCl concentration but germination speed was seriously decreased at NaCl concentration above 0.6% as not more than 7.5%. Water absorption rate was low in barley than rye and it was decreased by increasing NaCl concentration and duration of absorption. In barley, carbohydrate content was decreased slightly in response to increased NaCl concentration and content of reducing sugar was independent of NaCl concentration. In rye, reducing sugar content was increased until 0.3% of NaCl and increased seriously after 20 hours. $\beta-Amylase activity was high at control and 0.6% lot of NaCl, but it was not general tendency.
