일부지역주민의 구강보건인식도 및 치과의료 이용양상

Knowledge and Pattern of Dental Health Care of the Community People

  • 발행 : 1993.07.01


This study was done for the improvement of dental health of rural villagers and the dental health education, through finding of the types of brushing teeth and dental treatment of 812 people in Sunsan, Kyungpook province for 35days from March 27 to April 30 in 1992. Summaries are as follows ; 1. 58.5 percent of respondents were women, 56.3 percent were 40′s, 28.0 percent were 30′s, 12.3 percent were 50′s, and the over 60′s were 3.4 percent Elementary school graduates were 36.1 percent and most of them were middle school graduates, 33.5 percent. In view of the occupation, farmers were 56.5 percent, factory workers were 17.9 percent, the middle class (monthly pay amounting to 500,000∼990,000 won) were 49 percent and the lower class(less than 500,000 won) were 30.9 percent. In the standpoint of religion, Buddhists were 42.5 percent. 2. In the number and times of respondents brushing, 35.5 percent is "after dinner", 25.6 percent is "Before going to bed", 15.8 percent is "After breakfast", 13.3 percent is "After every meal", 5.2 percent is "Before breakfast" and 4.7 percent is "The sometimes it occurs to them". 3. The acquirement process of knowledge on the dental health were clinics or health center dentists (27.6%), TV(24.5%), magazine(9.2%), school(7.8%), relatives(5.3%). and 25.6 percent has never acquired. 28.3 percent of the farmers learned something by clinics and 28.1 percent of them haven′t heard about dental health. 4. The rate of persons who experienced oral diseases during 1 year period was 76.1 percent, and that of the educated was 19.9 percent and that of the uneducated 80.1 percent. The authorities concerned with treatment were dentist′s(41.6%), health center(30.3%), and the unlicensed person(2.9%). The rate of negligence was 6.3 percent, farmers experienced oral disease was 75.2 percent and they utilized the health center most often(36.2%). 5. The rate of person who had experienced dental prosthesis during ten year period was 71.9 percent, and the final place or man for dental prosthesis was dental clinic(59.4%), the unlicensed person(27.1%), and health center(13.5%). The rate of farmers experienced dental prosthesis was 70.4 percent. They utilized the dental clinic, the unlicensed person and the health center with the rates of 51.5 percent, 32.2 percent, and 16.7 percent respectively. 6. As to the results of dental prosthesis using the dental clinic, "being satisfied now" was 72.4 percent, "being dissatisfied" 14.4 percent, "being unable to use it" 3.1 percent, "its being somewhat usable" 10.1 percent, "having some problem" 38.7 percent, and "there being no problems" 61.3 percent. About utilizing the unlicensed person, "being satisfied now" was 65.8 percent, "being dissatisfied" was 10.7 percent, "being unable to use it" 5.1 percent and "its being some what usable" was 18.4 percent. 7. The rate of missing teeth holders amounted to 89.8 percent, the rate of the educated to the uneducated was 19.2 percent to 80.8 percent The reasons of neglecting that illness were due to "Endurable"(28.3%), and "No money" (24.3%). In the case of farmers 89.1 percent of them were the missing-teeth holders, the "Endurable" were 29.8 7. percent, and "No money" lay in 27.4 percent. 8. Their hopeful centers for dental prosthesis were the dental clinics(76.6%), and the health center(16.9%).
