개방형 왕복 다공판 추출탑을 이용한 액막법에 의한 폐수중 Cr(Vl)의 추출

Extraction of Chromium (Vl) Son in Waste Water through the Liquid Surfactant Membrane with Open-Type Perforated Reciprocating-Plate Column

  • 우인성 (인천대학교 산업안전공학과) ;
  • 강현춘 (제주전문대학 환경공업과) ;
  • 안형환 (명지대학교 화학공학과)
  • 발행 : 1993.06.01


The objective of this study was to investigate the extraction of chromium(Vl) ion in waste water through the liquid surfactant membrane with open-type Perforated Reciprocating-Plate Column. Extraction experiments were conducted to measure the effect of flow characteristics of continuous and dispersed phase and stroke velocity, sodium hydroxide concentraction in internal aqueous phase, sulfuric acid concentraction in outer phase, and residence time distribution and measured extraction velocity. The result of experiments showed that extraction velocity of chromium ion was maximum when stroke velocity was 180 1/min and dispersion phase velocity was 30m11min, continuous phase velocity was 20m1/min. Extraction velocity of chromium ion increased with increasing difference of hydrogen ion concentraction of dispersion and continuous phase and column stage decreased.
