Biology and Health Aspects of Molds in Foods and the Environment

  • Bullerman, Lloyd-B. (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, University of Nebraska)
  • 발행 : 1993.06.01


Molds are eucaryotic, multicellular, multinucleate, filamentous organisms that reproduce by forming asexual and sexual spores. The spores are readily spread through the air and because they are very light-weight and tend to behave like dust particles, they are easily disseminated on air currents. Molds therefore are ubiquitous organisms that are found everywhere, throughout the environment. The natural habitat of most molds is the soil where they grow on and break down decaying vegetable matter. Thus, where there is decaying organic matter in an area, there are often high numbers of mold spores in the atmosphere of the environment. Molds are common contaminants of plant materials, including grains and seeds, and therefore readily contaminate human foods and animal feeds. Molds can tolerate relatively harsh environments and adapt to more severe stresses than most microorganisms. They require less available moisture for growth than bacteria and yeasts and can grow on substrates containing concentrations of sugar or salt that bacteria can not tolerate. Most molds are highly aerobic, requiring oxygen for growth. Molds grow over a wide temperature range, but few can grow at extremely high temperatures. Molds have simple nutritional requirements, requiring primarily a source of carbon and simple organic nitrogen. Because of this, molds can grow on many foods and feed materials and cause spoilage and deterioration. Some molds ran produce toxic substances known as mycotoxins, which are toxic to humans and animals. Mold growth in foods can be controlled by manipulating factors such as atmosphere, moisture content, water activity, relative humidity and temperature. The presence of other microorganisms tends to restrict mold growth, especially if conditions are favorable for growth of bacteria or yeasts. Certain chemicals in the substrate may also inhibit mold growth. These may be naturally occurring or added for the purpose of preservation. Only a relatively few of the approximately 100,000 different species of fungi are involved in the deterioration of food and agricultural commodities and production of mycotoxins. Deteriorative and toxic mold species are found primarily in the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternaria, Trichothecium, Trichoderma, Rhizopus, Mucor and Cladosporium. While many molds can be observed as surface growth on foods, they also often occur as internal contaminants of nuts, seeds and grains. Mold deterioration of foods and agricultural commodities is a serious problem world-wide. However, molds also pose hazards to human and animal health in the form of mycotoxins, as infectious agents and as respiratory irritants and allergens. Thus, molds are involved in a number of human and animal diseases with serious implication for health.
