Hull Form Development for an AFRAMAX Tanker with a Composite Stern Frameline Concept

  • Published : 1993.11.01


Hull form development for an AFRAMAX tanker characterized by the form parameters of $C_B\simeq0.8$, $L/B\simeq5.5$, $B/T\simeq3.5$, han been carried out by the application of ‘Composite Stern Frameline Concept’. The viscous resistance of the new form was much smaller than that of the conventional form. Form factor of the new form was only 0.18 compared to 0.30 for the conventional hull form, Nevertheless the propulsive efficiency was slightly lower and thus the required propulsion power was smaller by 5~6% at both full load and ballast condition. In addition, it is confirmed that introduction of the form factor method such as ITTC’78 method is highly advisable because there is a great risk of the underperdicting full scale resistance of the hull form whose form the extrapolation of moel resistance to full scale is to be based on Froude method with the correlation allowances usually applied to conventional hull forms.
