시간관리행동과 관련 변수: 취업주부를 대상으로

Time Management Behavior and Variables Related

  • 한경미 (전남대학교 가정대학 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1993.12.01


This study investigated time management behavior of employed wives and variables related. The samples were composed of 396 wives living in Seoul and Kwangju city. The major finding are as follow: 1) The level of the time management of employed wives was slightly high. 2) The dominant factor in time management behavior was goal setting and planning$.$priori-ting 3) The time management behavior was low related to the time use. A negative relationship was found between time management behavior and psysiological time employed time psysical housework time and passive leisure time while a positive relationship was found managerial housework time and active leisure time 4) A employed wife with higher work status education and income level efficiently managed time Education and extend family type turned out facilitating factors the more employed time was found constraint factor in time management.
