The Provider-Role Consciusness of Married Working Women

취업주부의 부양자역할의식에 관한연구

  • 옥선화 (서울대학교 가정대학 소비자아동학과)
  • Published : 1993.06.01


The study was designed to examine the present state of the provider-role consciousness of married working women in Korea and to identify five variable-clusters which were drawn from the theoretical perspectives. The subjects of this study were 573 married working women whose husbands also had their work. The statistical methods adopted for data analyses were frequencies. oneway ANOVA. Scheffe-test t-test, and multiple regression analysis. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows; 1) The level of the provider-role consciousness of married working women was slightly high. 2) As for the aspects of the individual attribute variables. educational level job income age native area motive of work. and sex-role identity significantly influenced the provider-role consciousness of married working women. 3) Concerning the family background variables marriage duration number of children mother's experience of employment father's educational level and husbands's income were significantly related to the provider-role consciousness of married working women, 4) As for the social relationship variables. degree of participation in social associations significant others' attitudes toward housewife's work degree of domestic role sharing with husband and wife/husband income ration significantly affected the provider-role conscious-ness of married working women. Based on these findings it came to be revealed that multidirectional perspecitves were useful to identify variables which could predict the provider-role consciousness of married working women, Also it was revealed that the significant others' approvals for women's work were necessary to the establishment of the provider-role consciousness of married working women.
