아파트 거주 가구의 주거특성 변화 및 주거규범달성 정도

The Changes of Housing Characteristics and The Degree of Attainment of Housing Norms among Residents in Apartment

  • 강노선 (한국교원대학교 가정교육과)
  • 발행 : 1993.06.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes of housing characteristics and the degree of attainment of housing norms. The major findings are as follows: 1) There are significant differences in changes of housing characteristics. A size of house and the number of room have been improved according to hosing experience and housing expects. Type of tenure has been improved according to housing experience and housing expects. Type of tenure has been improved gradually according to moving. The family with higher socio-economic status prefers apartments. Although about a half of household hopes to live in a high-rising apartments. more than 40 persentage of the household still hopes to live in single detached houses. As a result apartment are though not to satisfy their housing well-being 2) As socio-economic status is higher and family life cycle is longer the degree of their attainment of housing norms appear higher. The household attaining higher housing norms has the higher housing satisfaction but needs to move is lower The family attains housing norms as the following orders: type of tenure\longrightarrowtype of house\longrightarrowthe nmber of rooms\longrightarrowa size of house.
