A study on the Occupants' Apprasials of Newly Consturcted Apartment

신축 공동주택의 주거환경에 관한 입주자 평가

  • Published : 1993.03.01


Recently, large APT complexes are newly constructed in Taegu city and among them, large APT complexes aggegate densly espically in Weolsung and Jisan complexes of Dalsuh-gu and Susung-gu districts. The purpose of this thesis is to perform occupants' apprasials about residential environment on the housewifes residing at new constructed APT who seem tn have different apprasials on the residential environment by the zones. The results of the investigations are as follows. 1. House possessed type and house sire got elevated in comparison with them before shifting residence in respect to residential property and it was revealed they moved to short distance in the change of their lands. And most occupants could choose their houses by looting-out and there's some difference in the choice motive according to the zones. 2. As a result of studying the relation between demographic and residential properties, there were deep differe-nces in the Possessed house type before move, possessed house size after move, preferenti-al degree of house and move plan. 3. In the degree of satisfaction on residential environment, the result was high in the order of heating facilities, water-supply and draining facilities and lighting and was low in the order of room's size, interior decoration and soundproofin. According to zones, there was a great difference in the items of room's size, privacy, heating facilities, securi-ty from calamity, ventilation, convenience of traffic and school group and facilities for extracurricular activities and the degree of satisfaction was high in Jisan zone in othe items except for room's size and heating facilities. 4. In the tenants' apprasials on tile inside and outside spaces of the zones, important factors were "Cultural Institutions", "Green Areas", "Level of Welfare Facilities" and "Utility degree of welfare facilities" and in the classification of important factors according to the zones, the first and the third factors were changed each other. I think this is because they attached importance to somethings dissatisfied in present circumstances.



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  6. SPSS/PC를 이용한 통계분석 채서일;김범종;이성조
  7. 대구통계연보
  8. 영남대 대학원 석사학위 논문 가구사용에 따른 거실공간평가에 관한 연구 이명옥
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  10. 한국주거학회지 v.4 no.1 대구시 거주 청소년의 주거관에 관한 연구 윤정애;안옥희
  11. 주택계획론 전경배;윤충렬
  12. 한국주거학회지 v.2 no.1 현대 도시의 주거생활양식 유형 분류에 관한 연구 최목화
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