전통주거건축의 양택적 원리에 관한 연구

A Study on the Yang Taeg in Traditional Korean Housing.

  • 발행 : 1993.03.01


This study is to find mental element and principle for building as the side of tranditional ideas and to understand dwelling from and style by this wag. So we can understand yang taeg theory as a part of feng shui that controls the mental, field of traditional architecture. The results may besummarised as follows. 1. Mentalprinciple of traditional architecfure being understood as a "역" is to result is not the concept of shape as materials and in but that of phase as a spririt. 2. In yang taeg theory, architectural behavior (as selecting site, building and the day for building) is made form the base of that, a human being as a part of universe. 3. Geomantic aspect, to being, laid in an fying a human being and nature as spatial, time concept. 4. The concept of domain in feng-shui is found in village as well as in house.



  1. 大學 中庸 車相懷(譯)
  2. 茶根譯 洪自誠
  3. 老子와 道家思想 金學主
  4. 中國科學의 思想 朴星來
  5. 神話體系로 본 韓國美術論 朴容淑
  6. 易經新請 柳正基
  7. 三一神話 李乙浩;安浩相(共著)
  8. 道德經 蘆臺俊(譯)
  9. 南山堂 金得榥
  10. 昭和十一年 天機大要
  11. 住宅大全 v.9 陽宅神經心法
  12. 朝鮮 의 風水 村山智順
  13. 울산공대 연구 논문집 v.10 no.2 兪在賢
  14. 大韓建築學會誌 v.22 no.85 張聖浚
  15. 韓國思想의 源泉 李熙德
  16. 擇里志 李翼成(譯)
  17. 陰陽地理風水全書 下編 v.1 大方出版社
  18. 陽宅大全 v.1 東西不得西四西四不得犯東 八宅四書
  19. 明堂論 張龍得