공동주택의 관실태와 거주자의 관리의식 및 만족도 - 서울시 아파트를 중심으로 -

Satisfaction and Attitude of Resident to the Management of Multi-family Housing - In case of Apartment in Seoul -

  • 발행 : 1993.03.01


The purpose of this study is to support satisfaction for reasonable management method to elevate the enhancement of management attitude and the satisfaction of management state for Multi-family Housing. This study was intended to find out variables which influence on the satifaction and attitude of resident to the management of Apartment, and to investigate variables influencing on the satisfaction and attitude of resident to the management of Apartment. In this study, survey research method is employed. The sample is taken from 336 APT. resident's living in Seoul, from 13th of Sep. to 20th of Sep, in 1993. Used statistica] method are Frequency, Percentage, 1-test, One-way Anova, Duncan-test, Multip]e Regression. The major finding were as follows: 1) The work of management of Multi-family Housing was classified into three type ; a)administration management b) maintenance management c) community-life control. 2) The management attitude of Apartment inhabitant is very high, especially .the attitude of maintenance management is the higest. But they disagree with the raise of management cost necessary to maintenance management. 3) The satisfaction of administration management, maintenance management, community-life control management is all low in the management condition of Apartment.'1'he management method of present Apartment shows a little problem.



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