사례분석으로 본 프라이버시의 상황논리

Specifics Aspects of Privacy Based on Case Studies

  • 발행 : 1993.03.01


It is said that primary territories such as homes are ercellent examples of how we useterritories to portray ourselves to others. The homes often display openly the personality and values of its occupants. At the same time, as far as childrens' privacy in the household environment is concerned, the range of privacy options generally increases from adolescence on because there is more freedom from parents' supervision at this age period. Children are subject to perpetual intrusion because they are defined as dependents. As long as they continue in this role, they are viewed as, at best, semi-autenomous. In this paper, the authors carried out amd analized some cases specifically to see thestatistical data reported previously more intensively. The results of the analysis are as following; 1) Kids who have bed-rooms of their own(exclusively) seems to be encouraged to invite their friends in more openly and freely than those who share the same bed-room. 2) Social interaction among members of family seems tn be carried cut more frequently and closely in the extended family than in the conjugal family.



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