Ar/Ar-$H_2$ 플라즈마에 의한 Nb금속제조와 Nb금속의 수소용해

A Study on the Carbothermic Reduction of Nb-Oxide and the refining by Ar/Ar-$H_2$ plasma and Hydrogen solubility of Nb metal

  • Jeong, Yong-Seok (Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering, Yonsei University) ;
  • Hong, Jin-Seok (Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering, Yonsei University) ;
  • Kim, Mun-Cheol (Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology) ;
  • Baek, Hong-Gu (Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering, Yonsei University)
  • 발행 : 1993.12.01


Ar/Ar-$H_{2}$ 플라즈마법으로 고순도 Nb금속을 환원 정련하였다. 또한, Ar-(20%)$H_{2}$플라즈마에서의 용융Nb금속과 수소간의 반응을 해석하였다. Ar플라즈마 환원에서는 $C/Nb_{2}O_{5}$=5.00의 비에서 99.5wt%의 금속 Nb을 얻었으며, 니오븀 산화물의 열분해에 의한 O/Sub 2/의 손실은 발생하지 않았다. Ar-(20%)$H_{2}$ 플라즈마에서는 $C/Nb_{2}O_{5}$=4.80의 비에서 99.8wt%의 금속 Nb을 제조하였다. 주된 탈산반응은 H, $H_{2}$와의 반응이었으며,$NbO_{x}$의 증발에 의한 탈산은 발생하지 않았으나, "splash"효과에 의해 Nb의 질량손실이 발생함을 관찰하였다. 탈산반응은 1차 반응속도론에 따랐으며, 탈산의 반응속도 상수(k')는 $7.8 \times 10_{-7}$(m/sec)였다. Ar-(20%)$H_{2}$ 플라즈마법에서 Nb금속 내의 수소 용해도는 60ppm으로 분자상태 수소의 용해도인 40ppm 보다 높았으며, 포화되는 시간은 60초 이내였다. 이를 다시 Ar 플라즈마로 처리함으로써 수소 함량을 10ppm 이하로 감소시킬 수 있었다.소시킬 수 있었다.

The Ar/Ar- $H_{2}$ plasma method Lvas applied to reduce and refine high purity Nb metal. Inaddition, the reaction between molten Nb metal and hydrogen were also analyzed in the Ar-(20%)$H_{2}$plasma. The metallic Nb of 99.5wt% was obtained at the ratio of $C/Nb_{2}O_{5}$=5.00 in the Ar plasma reductionand the $O_2$ loss from the thermal decomposition of niobium oxides did not take place. In the Ar-(20%)Hi plasma the metallic Nb of 99.8wt% was produced at the ratio of $C/Nb_{2}O_{5}$=4.80. It was observedthat a major reaction of the deoxidation was the reaction with H, Hi, and a deoxidation by the evaporationof $NbO_x$ did not occur but a mass loss of Nb did by a "splash" effect. The deoxidation reaction rateobeyed the 1st order reaction kinetics and the reaction rate constant(k') of deoxidation was $7.8 \times 10_{-7}$(m/sec).The solubility of hydrogen in Nb metal was 60ppm and it was larger than the solubility of molecularstate hydrogen by 40ppm in the Ar-(20%)$H_{2}$ plasma method. A saturation was within 60sec anda hydrogen content was reduced below lOppm by a Ar plasma a Ar plasma re-treatment.



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