잡음에 대한 초단기선 ( SSBL ) 음향위치 시스템의 정도개선

Improvement of the Accuracy of Supershort Baseline Acoustic Positioning System in Noise Conditions

  • 박해훈 (부산수산대학교 수산물리학과) ;
  • 윤갑동 (부산수산대학교 수산물리학과)
  • Park, Hae-Hoon (Department of Fisheries Physics. National Fisheries University of Pusan) ;
  • Yoon, Gab-Dong (Department of Fisheries Physics. National Fisheries University of Pusan)
  • 발행 : 1993.06.01


Underwater acoustic positioning systems have been extensively used not only in surface position fixing but also in underwater position fixing. Recently, these systems have been applied in the field of installation and underwater inspection of offshore platforms etc. But in these systems are included the fixing errors as results of a signal with additive noise and irregular motion of vessel by ocean waves. To improve the accuracy of the position fixing a Kalman filter is applied to the supershort baseline (SSBL) acoustic positioning system with beacon mode in noise conditions. The position data obtained by the Kalman filter is compared with raw position data and it is confirmed in the simulation that the former is more accurate than the latter. And an indicator monitoring the filtering effect is described while ship's moving.
