도시주거지역 도로교통소음 평가에 있어서 청감실험의 이용에 관한 연구

The Use of Psycho-Acoustic Method on the Evaluation of the Road Traffic Noise in the Urban Residential Area

  • 국찬 (동신대학교 환경조경학과)
  • 발행 : 1993.06.01


This study was carried out to verificate the possibility of using the laboratory setting psycho-acoustic experiment compared with the field and to delineate the appropriate indices in evaluating the Noisiness of road traffic noise by means of psycho-acoustic method. Reviewing the typical patterns of traffic noises depending upon the shapes ad conditions of the road, the road traffic noises in several representative points in the major residential areas in Kwangju city were recorded and reproduced with the noise levels modified in various steps. With these 20 sound sources, psycho-acoustic experiments in the laboratory were performed on 11 volunteer subjects. And then, psycho-acoustic experiments in the real field were performed on 10 volunteer subjects to compare the results of the laboratory experiment, the results are summerized as follows : 1. The psycho-acoustic experiments in the laboratory elicited the data well matching with those obtained in the field, resulting in even higher corelation levels. This indicates that the field assessement of responses to the noise can be replaced by the evaluatioin in the laboratory settings which render many variables easily controlled and that the responses of the residents to the noise can be easily predicted in the laboratory by applying this method. 2. Also among the complex indices, such as Noise Pollution Level or Annoyance Index high correlations were detected. On the other hand, low corelations were noted among Traffic Noise Index. 3. Highly significant correlations were found among the direct indices such as Leq, L\sub 10\, On the other hand, low correlations were detected among L\sub 50\.
