반응 표면 분석에 의한 생강 분말을 첨가한 쌀 압출 성형물의 이화학적 성질

Physicochemical Properties of Rice Extrudate with Added Ginger Powder by the Response Surface Regression Analysis

  • 고광진 (중앙대학교 식품가공학과)
  • 발행 : 1993.09.01


This research was attempted to investigate changes in physicochemical properties of rice extrudate with added ginger powder extruded by single screw extruder. Graphic three dimensional analysis on response surface regression was used to evaluate effects of extrusion variables on quality factors of the extrudate according to two independent variables, ginger consent 0∼12%, moisture content 14∼26%. The summarized results are as follows : 1) Regarding proximate composition of rice extrudate with added ginger powder, as ginger powder content of raw material Increased, crude tat, crude protein, crude ash and crude fiber increased, while soluble nitrogen free extract decreased. 2) Graphic three dimensional analysis on response surface regression was conducted for each dependent variable which revealed statistically significant relationship with independent variables, 0∼120A ginger and 14∼26% moisture content. Expansion ratio had a critical point as moisture content changed. As ginger and moisture content Increased, bulk density, break strength and water absorption Index Increased, while water solubility Index decreased. The predicted maximum degree of gelatinization in 6.15% ginger and 15.56% moisture content is 88.27%, and lightness decreased as ginger content Increased. According to the microstructure for the cross section of extrudate obsorbed with image analyzer, air cell number and perimeter revealed saddle point, meanwhile total area and fractarea of air cell had critical points as moisture content changed. In view of the results, quality of rice extrudate with added ginger powder was optimum when rice flour was fed to the extruder with 2∼7% singer powder and 15∼20% moisture content.
