한국식품영양학회지 (The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition)
- 제6권1호
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- Pages.1-7
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- 1993
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- 1225-4339(pISSN)
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- 2287-4992(eISSN)
한국 및 일본의 주류용 종국에서 분리한 국균 곰팡이의 특성
Characteristics of Koji Molds Isolated from Koji-Starters for Brewing in Korea and Japan
19 Samples of koji-starters using in brewing were collected from Korea and Japan, and then 31 strains of koji-molds were isolated from them. After Identification of the Isolate, rice koji was made with each strains, and its saccharogenic activity, dextrogenic activity, proteolytic activity, acid Producing ability, browning reaction and flavor were tested. Among 31 strains of isolates, 10 strains were Identified as Asp nwamori var. kawachii, 18 strains as Asp. oryzae, 3 strains as Asp. usamii mkt. shirousamii. The koji-starters made in Korea were composed of single species of koji-mold with same strain, but those made in Japan were composed of the mixture of different two species or the mixture of different 2 ∼4 strains in same species. Judging from amylolytic and proteolytic ability by species, Asp. awamori var. kawachii H1, I1 and 11, Asp. owsae J2, L2, M2, P3 and P4, and Asp. usamii writ. shirousamii S1 were better than the others. Mold strains isolated from Korean koji-starters were much lower in amylolytic or proteolytic activity than those from Japanese koji-starters. The typical characteristics for the 3 species of koji-molds were that Asp. awamori var. kawachii was strong in acid producing ability, but week in amylolytic and proteolytic ability, that Asp. owzae had strong amylolytic activity and good aroma, but produced little amount of acid, and that Asp. usamii mut. shirousamii had strong Proteolytic activity but some off-flavor.