임피던스 로울러의 테이프 주행계에 대한 제진효과 분석

The Analysis of the Vibration Reduction Effect of the Impedance Roller in Tape Transport System

  • 발행 : 1993.12.01


The longitudinal vibration of the tape in the tape transport system influences the performance of the nagnetic tape-recording system. Generally it is controlled by a passive method with impedance roller which is easy to implement and cost-effective. Therefore the effect of the impedance roller in reducing the tape vibration was analyzed in this paper. The practical tape transport system was modelled mathematically as a mass-spring system. Both simulation and experimental study were carried out in order to show the vibration reduction effect of the impedance roller.



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  2. National Technical Report v.25 no.1 VHS方式VTRのテ-プ走行系 久保觀治(外 3人)
  3. National Technical Report v.34 no.6 VHSハイフィイVTRの高音質化 加納淸志(外 4人)
  4. The Radio and Electronic Engineer v.50 no.11;12 The Influence of the Elasticity of Magnetic Tape on Some Parameters of Magnetic Recording W.Fell
  5. 연세대학교 석사학위 논문 테이프 주행 자기기록장치 텐션암계의 동특성 해석 류두현
  6. The Complete Handbook of Magnetic Recording(3rd Ed.) F.Jorgensen