포스트 모더니즘 의류광고에 나타난 에로티시즘에 관한 연구

A Study on the Eroticism Appearing in the Fashion Advertising of Post-Modernism

  • 발행 : 1993.11.01


In representing eroticism in fashion advertising the sentiments of the Post-Modernism thinking of only impulse and pleasure as practical and affirming a human life may he divided into the follwing expression First1 y, Sumbolic Expression The sentiments of Post-Modernism associ ates, the direction sexual intercourse by means of the state and action of wearing the costume or represents indirect symbols with the symbolic expression of an object or phenomenon Secondly, Masochistic, Sadistic Expression. The sentiments of the Post-Modernism in expressing eroticism give people masochistic or sadistic feelings or expressions by means of protographic technigues or the state or background of wearing the model's costume. Thirdly, Homosexual Expression. The sentiments of the Post-Modernism is appropriate to expressing an androgynous and unisex look to people as a role of meeting potential instincts. Fourthy, Feministic Expression. The sentiments of me Post-Modernism also express a subjective woman and represent an extension of her ego through the existence of the woman herself by means of the body-conscious look. Fifthly, Narcissistic Expression. The de-genre such as the introduction high technology and de-campus rnakes consumers have theirself-identity.
