생쥐 2-세포기 배아에서 성숙유도물질의 기능적 역할

The Functional Role of Maturation Promoting Factor in the Two-cell Embryos

  • 강해묵 (포항공대 생명과학과) ;
  • 이대기 (전남대학교 자연과학대학 생물학과 서울대학교 자연과학대학 분자생물학과)
  • 발행 : 1993.04.01


A possible involvement of maturation promoting factor (nfPF) in the two-cell block phenomenon was studied by fusion experiments. Germinal vesicle (GlF) ooeyte was fused with a blastomore from late or blocked 2-cell mouse embryos. and germinal vesicle breakdoum (GVBD) of fused GV oocvtes in the presence of dbcAMP (100$\mu$g/ml) was scored as an index of MPF aniviD. GnD was induced approximately 30% by fusion of a blastomere derived from late 2-cell embryos, but not from blocked 2-cell embryos. The rate of GVBD was changed when GV oocyte was fused with a blastomere from late 2-cell embryos which were treated with u-amanitin, puromvcin or colcemid before and after hsion: Treatment of late 2-cell embryos with puromycin (50 Is/mll but not with u-amanitin (100 Is/ml) clearly inhibited GVBD, indicating that do novo protein synthesis maw be required for the appearance of MPF activity in late 2-cell embryos. Treatment of late 2-cell embryos w기h colcemid (0.1 Is/mll doubled GVBD, presumably due to the maintenance of metaphase or mitotic phase. SDS-PAGE and twoiimensional electrophoresis revealed that there was no difference in protein synthetic pattern in late and blocked 2-cell embryos, but three phosphoproteins with 27, 35 and 46 M)a, presumsblv M-phase components were phosphorylated in late 2-cell embryos but not in blocked 2-cell embryos. It seems then that MPF activity is closely related to phosphorylstion of M-phase components in late 2-cell embryos.
