배추벌레 5령유충의 식도하신경절에 분포하는 세로토닌 면역반응성 신경망의 구조

Immunocvtochemical Localization of Serotonergic Neurons in Suboesophageal Ganglion of Cabbage Worm Pieris rapae (Insecta, Lepidoptera)

  • 심재원 (순천향대학교 생물학과) ;
  • 이봉희 (순천향대학교 생물학과)
  • 발행 : 1993.01.01


An immunocytochemical investigation has been carried out to localize serotoninimmunoreactive (5-HTi) neurons in suboesophageal ganglion of fifth instar lawn of cabbage worm Pieris rupae. The 285-HTi cell bodies were identified in the rind of suboesophaseal ganglion. The four 5-HTi cell bodies of them are 18rge in size (about 35 Um), while the remaining cell bodies are medium-sized (about 15 Uml. The 5-HTi nerve processes are abundantly located in central large neuropil, circumoesophageal connectives which join the suboesophaseal ganglion to the tritocerebrum of the brain, and connectives between the suboesophageal and the first thoracic ganglia. These results indicate that the 5-HTi nerve fibers, which constitute the central large neuropil, have structural connections with the above two connectives. Especially in central large neuropil, many 5-HTi nenre fibers form a large circular bundle, in which a 5-HTi nerve fiber bundle is crossing.
