New Blecords of Eight Species of the Suborder Cottoidei (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes) from Korea

한국산 둑중개아목(Cottoidei) 어류 8미기록종

  • Published : 1993.01.01


Eight species of the suborder Cottoidei collected from coastal waters of Korea were described with photographs, all of which are newly known to Korea. They are as followsi Molacocottus zonurus Bean and Euwmen gvrinus Gilbert et Burke of the family Psvchrolutidae; Podothecus veternus Jordan et Starts, Sarritor loptorhvnchus (Gilberts, and Agonomulus proboscinalis Walenciennesl of the family Agonidae; Liporis ogussizii Putman, Lipuris megocephalus Burke, and Liparis choonus Wu et Wang of the Family Cvclopteridae.
