환경 대기중에서 Nitrate의 생성에 관한 연구(II)

A Study on the Formation of Nitrate in Atmosphere(II)

  • 발행 : 1993.09.01


This study was carried out to determine the concentration of gaseous nitrate$(HNO_3)$ particulate nitrate$(NO_3^-)$ and conversion rate of NOx to nitrate in atmosphere in Seoul from Oct 1991 to July 1992. The average concentration of gaseous nitrate in daytime(09:00 - 17:00) was 9.93, 3.37, 7.40 and 10.40$\mug/m^3$ and, in highttime was 6.21, 7.31, 4.79 and 3.86$\mug/m^3$ respectively. The concentratin of $HNO_3$ was greater in summer and daytime than winter and nighttime. But the concentration of $NO_3^-$ was greater in winter and nighttime than in summer and daytime. The average conversion rate of NOx to $HNO_3$(Fn) indaytime was 13.18, 3.78, 9.13 and 23.13% and, in nighttime was 3.06, 1.37, 1.70 and 8.72% during fall, winter, spring and summer respectively. But the average conversion rate of NOx to $NO_3^-$(Fn') in daytime was 5.79, 5.77, 2.63 and 3.90% and in nighttime was 5.95, 6.51, 3.25 and 4.84% respectively. The average conversion rate of NOx to total nitrate $(HNO_3 + NO_3^-)$(Fn') was 12.72, 7.81, 7.82 and 18.40% respectively. The average conversion rate of NOx to $HNO_3$(Fn) was greater than $NO_3^-$(Fn') about 1.6 times.



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