위험스런 지구 온난화 경향 무엇이 원인인가?

Rapidity of Recent Global Warming : What Factors are Important\ulcorner

  • 발행 : 1993.03.01


A brief description on the greenhouse gases, the greenhoue effect, sea level changes, forcing of climate, the history of Earth's changing climate based on the IPCC REPORT and the records of the recent variation of the climate in the Republic of Kore is presented here for help enhancing awareness of the issues. The climate of the Earth has the potential to be changed on all timescales by the fluctuations of the concentrations of radioactively active greenhouse gases, solar radiation, aerosols and albedo. However, the rate of the recent global warming seems to be larger and rapid than any have occurred thorughout recorded history enough to draw the world-wide attention and worry concerned with the theme of environment and development. There are still uncertainties in the predictions relating to the timing, magnitude and the pattern of the climatic change due to the current incomplete understanding of various aspects of the complex processes. Nonetheless, the scientific results avaliable is sufficient to allow for decisive precautionary measures to be taken.



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