수로 장치내에서 공동영역 주변의 확산에 관한 실험적 연구

An experimental investigaion of dispersion around cavity region in water channel

  • 정상진 (경기대학교 환경공학과)
  • 발행 : 1993.12.01


The nature of the cavity region and dispersion around trianglular ridge was investigated using model. The artifical neutral boundary layer was simulated in water channel. Two dimensional trianglar ridges, having height of 1.2 cm and various width were placed normal to the flow. Mean velocity with many dimensionless parameters were measured and compared with wind tunnel results by other studies. Using vorticity generator and roughness, the neutral boundary layer was well represented by the water channel. concentration patterns resulting from dye source placed 0.2 cm height above were examined. Narrower the trianglar ridge width resulted in increased amplification factor and the larges amplification factor was observed near downward top of the ridge.



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