중소유역의 일별 용수수급해석을 위한 하천망모형의 개발(III) -하천망모형의 검증과 적용-

A Streamfiow Network Model for Daily Water Supply and Demands on Small Watershed (III) -Model Validation and Applications-

  • 발행 : 1993.09.01


The objectives of this paper were to validate the proposed network flow model using field data and to demonstrate the model applicability for various purposes. The model was tested with data from the Banweol watershed, where an intentive streamflow gauging system has been established. Model parameters were not calibrated with field data so that it can be validated as ungaged conditions. Three different schemes were employed to represent the drainage system of the tested watershed : a single, complex, and detailed network. The single network assumed the watershed as a cell, while complex and detailed networks considered several cells. The results from different schemes were individually compared satisfactorily to the observed daily stages at the Banweol reservoir located at the outlet of the watershed. The results from three schemes were in close agreement with each other, Justifying that the model performs very well for different network schemes being used. Daily streamflow from three network schemes was compared for a selected reach within the watershed. The results were very close to each other regardless of network formulation. And the model was applied to simulate daily streamflow before and after the construction of a reservoir at a reach. The differences were discussed, which reflected the influences of the dam construction upon the downstream hydrology. Similar appliocations may be possible to identify the effects of hydraulic structures on streamflow.
