하지동맥 폐쇄환자에서 실시한 Extra-anatomic bypass술의 임상적 고찰

Extra-anatomic Bypass in Lower Limb Ischemia

  • 발행 : 1993.12.01


Extra-anatomic bypass was proposed by Freeman in 1952 and has been used for patient with lower extremity arterial occlusion who had very high operative risk, especially elderly or severly illed patient.We had performed 14 cases of extra-anatomic bypasses from Jan. 1991 till July 1993 and having been following up them. Their results were summarized as follow. Among total 14 patients, 13 was male. Their mean age was 64.8 years old, ranged from 48 to 80. The most common complaint was pain on lower limb and they visited hospital 6.1 months in average after onset of symptom. Frequently, they were associated with systemic diseases such as generalized atherosclersis, hypertension, diabetes mellius, etc. Axillary artery was used as donor artery in 8 cases and crossover femoro-femoral or femoro-popliteal bypass was performed in 6 cases. Postoperative complications were notedd in 8 cases so their morbidity rate was 42.8%. Except for two contraindicated cases, one or more anticoagulants were used routinely . Among them, combined use of aspirin and persantine was most commonly applied.After bypass graft, nine cases were occluded beteween 10 and 53 months. So their average duration of freedom from reocclusion was 35.7 months and 3-year patency rate was 63%.



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