생물학적 보철판막의 조직실패

Primary Tissue Filure of Bioprosthetic Valves

  • 발행 : 1993.09.01


Boprosthetic cardiac valves fail from biological and metabolic as well as mechanical reasons, and the limited durability is the main factor of marked withdrawal in their clinical use. Starting the use of bioprosthetic valves in 1976, up to the end of 1992, the consecutive 178 patients have undergone re-replacement of glutaraldehyde-treated xenograft valves for primary tissue failure [PTF]among the patients who had initial valve replacement at Seoul national University Hospital. The explanted valves were 69 porcine aortic [51 Hancock, 12 Angell-Shiley and 6 Carentier-Edwards] and 141 bovine pericardial [129 standard-profile and 12 low-profile ionescu-Shiley] valwes, with an overall incidence of PTF of 15.2%. The operative mortality rate of re-replacement was 5.1%. Calcific degeneration and tissue damage in relation to calcification were the most frequent modes of PTF on gross examinatin of the explanted valves resulting hemodynamically in valvular regurgitation. The number of Hancocg porcine and the standard-profile Ionescu-Shiley valves in valves in mitral position failed more often from tissue damage [tears, holes, and loss or destruction of cuspal tissue] than calcification [68.3% vs. 39.0%, p<0.01] with resultant regurgitation in 61%, the Ionescu-Shiley valves in the same position in 53%. The tendency of more calcification than tissue damage[71.3% vs. 33.3%, p<0.001]with stenosis in 53%. The tendency of more calcification and immobility of cusps in the latter group was partly explainable by the inclusion of patients of pediatric age. Observation made in this study suggest : many of bioprosthetic valves would fail from calcification and tissue damage : some fail prematurely because of mechanical stress probably owing to the valve design in construction ; andeven those valves escaped early damage would be subject to calcify in the prolonged follow-up period. In conclusion, at the present time, the clinical use of bioprostheticxenograft valves seems to be quite limited until further improvement in biocompatibility and refinement in valve design in manufacture are achieved.



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  16. Ann Thorac Surg v.54 Ionescu-Shiley valve failure II:experience with 25 low-profile explants Walley,V.M.;Keon,C.A.;Khalili,M.;Moher,D.;Campagna,M.;Keon,W.J.
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