식도 질환의 외과적 치료

Surgical Treatment of Esophageal Disease

  • 발행 : 1993.08.01


A clinical study was performed on 64 cases of the esophageal diseases experienced at the Department of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery of Kyungpook University Hospital from Jan. 1988 through Dec. 1992. The results were as follows: The most common esophageal disease was cancer which occurred in 37.5% of the total. In esophageal cancer patients, 24 cases were operated on and cancer resection was feasible in 19 cases with 2 cases of hospital death. The overall 1 year survival rate was 41.6% and the most favorable follow up result was revealed in stage I group. Esophageal stricture occurred in 22 cases and its causes were alkali and acid. The most common stricture site was mid-esphagus. Colon interposition was performed on 15 cases. Achalasia occured in 8 cases and was treated with modified Heller`s myotomy. Esophageal perforation occurred in 6 cases and its operative mortality rate was 16.6%. Two patients with congenital bronchoesophageal fistula were treated with surgical division. The first case, which occurred in an adult, is of Braimbridge,s typeII classification. The second one which occured in an child with sequestration, is of Braimbridge,s type IV classification. Diverticulectomy was performed in 1 case of esophageal diverticulum. Enucleation of tumor was performed in 1 case of esophageal leiomyoma.



  1. 흉부외과학 1판 성인의 식도질환 서경필;김형묵;손광현;조범구
  2. 대흉외지 v.6 식도암의 외과적요법 송요준;정영진;노준량;김종환;서경필;이영균
  3. 대흉외지 v.21 식도암의 임상적 고찰 임창영;최영호;김광택;이인성;김학제;김형묵
  4. Ann Thorac Surg v.20 Chemical burn of the esophagus Burring,J.D.
  5. Ann Thorac Surg v.129 Reoperation after esophagomyotomy for achalasia of the esophagus Ellis,F.H.
  6. Gastroenterology v.80 Clinical and manometric effects of Nifedipine in patients with esophagus achalasia Mauro Bortolotti;Giuseppe Labo
  7. Ann Oto Rhino & Laryngo v.72 Penetrating and perforating injuries of the esophagus Arfprd,B.R. (et al.)
  8. Thorax v.20 Oesophagobronchial fistula in the adult Braimbridge,M.V.;Keith,H.I.
  9. Ann Thorac Surg v.49 Congenital bronchoes-ophageal fistula Risher,W.H.;Arensman,R.M.;Ochsner,J.L.
  10. Surgery of the alimentary tract. 2nd ed. Shackelford,R.T.
  11. 대흉외지 v.20 식도 평활근종의 외과적 치료 김주현;이영균