XX정유사의 석유제품 저유 및 수송정책평가모형의 개발

Development of an Appraisal Model for Petroleum Storage and Transport Policy for a Petroleum Production Company

  • 발행 : 1993.06.01


The successful management of logistics in an organization requires the careful coordination and manipulation of both movement and storage. In this study, we can show what is the most efficient and the cheapest method to transport the petroleum products under a few constraints with the model of linear programming. And also, the model can give some important informations so as what is the best coverages of each terminals by types, how many products should be exchanged among each companies and which terminals or complexes are economically prior to the others. Even we can understand that the duality is one of the useful measures to evaluate the economical efficiencies of transportation and storage related elements such as complex and terminal location, transport mode, storage tankage capacity and in/outflow facilities of terminals etc.
