Applied Biological Chemistry
- Volume 36 Issue 6
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- Pages.510-516
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- 1993
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- 2468-0834(pISSN)
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- 2468-0842(eISSN)
Behavior of benzoylurea insecticide teflubenzuron and flucycloxuron in soil environment
Benzoylurea계 살충제 teflubenzuron과 flucycloxuron의 토양환경중 동태
Kim, Tae-Hwa
(Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyungpook National University) ;
Kim, Jang-Eok
(Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyungpook National University)
- Published : 1993.12.31
The degradation and leaching pattern of benzoylurea insecticide teflubenzuron and flucycloxuron in soil environment and their effect on urease activity were investigated. The half-life of teflubenzuron was 39.1 days and 20.9 days in Chilgok and Ansim soil of nonsterilized condition, respectively, and that of flucycloxuron was 102.3 days and 50.1 days. Teflubenzuron and flucycloxuron were degraded more rapidly in Ansim soil with rich organic matter than Chilgok soil, and were degraded very slowly under sterilized condition. Their degradation seemed to be mainly mediated by microorganisms in soil. Teflubenzuron was degraded 63.2 days and 29.2 days faster than flucycloxuron under nonsterilized condition of Chilgok and Ansim soil. The inhibition of urease by the pesticides in two kinds of soil was strongly affected
Benzoylurea계 살충제인 teflubenzuron과 flucycloxuron의 토양환경 중 분해양상, urease 활성에 미치는 영향 및 용탈정도를 조사하였다. 안심과 칠곡지역 토양에서의 분해반감기는 flucycloxuron의 경우 50.1일과 102.3일로 나타났고, teflubenzuron의 경우에는 20.9일과 39.1일로 나타나 두 농약 모두 유기물 함량이 많고 pH가 다소 높은 안심지역 토양에서 더 빨리 분해되었다. 두 약제간에는 teflubenzuron이 flucycloxuron보다 안심지역 토양에서 29.2일 칠곡지역 토양에서는 63.2일 정도 더 빨리 분해되었다. Teflubenzuron과 flucycloxuron의 살균토양에서의 분해율은 120일 경과 후 두 토양에서