쌀보리의 유동층 건조 특성에 관한 연구

Drying Characteristics of Fluidized Bed Drying of Naked Barley

  • Kim, Hee-Yun (National Institute of Health) ;
  • Cho, Duk-Jae (Department of Food Science and Technology, Dongseo Engineering University) ;
  • Chung, Gea-Hwan (Department of Food Science and Technology, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Hur, Jong-Wha (Department of Food Science and Technology, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 발행 : 1993.10.01


쌀보리를 시료로 하여 건조조건을 다르게 하여 유동층 건조특성에 영향을 미치는 외부요인에 대해서 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 쌀보리의 유동층건조는 항률건조기가 없이 감률건조 1단계, 감률건조 2단계의 두 단계로 일어남을 알 수 있었다. 또한 건조속도상수는 충전량이 적을수록, 공기속도가 클수록, 공기온도가 높을수록, 상대습도가 낮을수록 켰으며, 감율건조단계에서의 건조속도상수는 Arrhenius형의 plot에서 좋은 직선관계를 나타내어 이 단계가 활성화 과정임을 알 수 있으며, 감률건조 제 1단계의 활성화 에너지는 1900ca1/gmol, 감률건조 제 2단계의 활성화 에너지는 2500ca1/gmol을 각각 나타내었다.

The drying characteristics of fluidized bed drying with different drying conditions using naked barley were carried out. This fluidized drying mechanism of naked barley was consisted of consecutive two falling rate parts, first falling rate period and second falling rate period without showing constant rate period. The drying rate constant was increased with decreasing charged amount and relative humidity and increasing air temperature and air velocity. Since the drying rate constant expressed by Arrhenius type equation in the falling rate period showed good linearity, the falling rate period was considered as the controlling step. The activation energy of first falling step was 1,900 cal/gmol, while for second falling step the values showed 2,500 cal/gmol.
