지류에 발생하는 얼룩반점의 성분분석에 관하여

Analysis on the Components of Brown Spot occurred in the Papers

  • 박세연 (문화재연구소 보존과학) ;
  • 이규식 (문화재연구소 보존과학) ;
  • 한성화 (문화재연구소 보존과학) ;
  • 안희균 (문화재연구소 보존과학)
  • Park, Seh-Youn (Laboratory of Conservation Science, National Research Institute of CulturalProperties of Korea) ;
  • Lee, Kyu-Shik (Laboratory of Conservation Science, National Research Institute of CulturalProperties of Korea) ;
  • Han, Sung-Hee (Laboratory of Conservation Science, National Research Institute of CulturalProperties of Korea) ;
  • Ahn, Hee-Kyun (Laboratory of Conservation Science, National Research Institute of CulturalProperties of Korea)
  • 발행 : 1992.12.15


The old books which have been colored to brown spots were analyzed chemically to compare with white part. The original raw materials were paper mulberry (Broussonetia Kazine) and woodpulp. White part contained58.8%($\alpha$-37.2%,$\beta$-8.6%, $\gamma$-12.7%)cellulose, 21.7% hemicellulose, 19.8% lignin,4.4% pentosan and brown sopt part contained 49.1%($\alpha$-19.8%, $\beta$-14.5%,$\gamma$-14.8%) cellulose, 27.1% hemicellulose, 23.8% lignin, 4.8% pentosan. Both of brown spot and white parts contained starch without protein. The pH was 4.9 in brown and 5.0 in white part respecitively. The brown spot parts were more solidified than white parts according to SEM observation. Difference of organiccompinent in brown part came from white part were 2-hydroxy-benzaldehydeand phenol.
