척수손상환자의 우울성향에 관한 연구

  • 강순희 (경희의료원 재활의학과)
  • 발행 : 1992.05.30


Depression in Spinal Cord Injury Patients Kang, Soon Hee, M.Ed., R.P.T. Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kyung-Hee University Medical Center Depressions have the potential to affect adversely the rehabilitation of patients with spi-nal cord iniury. The present study examined depression, functional independence, and demographic and medical characteristics for 49 spinal cord injury(SCI) patients. This investigation involved the administration of the Beck Depression Inventory, the Modified Barthel Index, and aquestionnaire consisted of 14 items, The results were as follows .1. Compared to normal subjects, SCI patients had significantly higher BDI scores.2. When the cut-off point of HDI scores was assumed 21, 26.1% of normal subjeets and 75.5% of SCI patients appeared to be depressed. Depression in SCT patients were not related with age, sex, marital status, injury evel, severity, duration, pain, functional independence and medical charge. Depression in SCI patients were related with education level, economic level, age at injury, motivation. Depression in normal subjects were related with age, education level, economic level, but not related with sex, marital status. There were significant differences at 30 items of BDI between normal subjects and SCI patients. The items were as fellows . 1 sadness, 2 pessimism, 3 failure, 4 dissat-isfaction, 5 guilt, 6 punishment. 7 self-dislike 9 suicidal, 10 crying, 11 irritability, 12withdrawl, 13 indecisive, 14 self-image, IS work inhibition, 16 insomnia, 17 fatigue,18 anorexia, 19 weight loss, 20 hypochondria, 21 libido loss.
