부업동기분석(副業動機分析)과 그 시사점(示唆點)

Motives for Moonlighting and Its Policy Implications

  • 박진 (한국개발연구원)
  • 발행 : 1992.12.31


본고(本稿)는 노동자들의 부업활동(副業活動)이 시장의 불완전성으로 인해 부득이하게 일어나는 측면이 크며, 본업(本業)에의 집중도를 떨어뜨려 생산성을 감소시킨다는 문제의식을 바탕으로 한다. 따라서 부업동기(副業動機) 분석은 부업감소방안(副業減少方案)을 도출함으로써 본업생산성 및 노동자효용의 향상방안에 연결될 수 있을 것이다. 부업동기(副業動機)의 주요한 부분은 실업으로 인한 다음 기(期) 소득의 불확실성이 충분히 보완되지 못함으로써 발생한다. 따라서 안정적 고용을 보장하거나 실업보험을 실시하면 소득불확실성이 줄어서 부업활동이 감소하므로 본업에서의 생산성 향상도 기대할 수 있다는 시사점이 본고(本稿)의 결론이다. 본고(本稿)는 1차노동시장에서 본업을 가지고 있으며 2차노동시장에서 부업을 하고 있는 노동자를 분석대상으로 한다. 그가 제(第)2기(期)에 실직(失職)할 위험성을 가지고 있다면 고용이 되어 있는 제(第)1기(期)에는 어떻게 소비수준(消費水準)과 부업노동시간(副業勞動時間)을 결정하며, 그 결정이 고용보장과 실업보험에 어떻게 영향받는가를 2기모형(二期模型) 안에서 알아볼 것이다.

Moonlighting or second-jobs will increase shirking of the primary job. This paper analyzes the motives for moonlighting so that the means of reducing these motives could be explored. The traditional theory claims that a worker who cannot fully realize his work potential will look to moonlighting. In a two-period model, however, the following motives are more important. The precautionary savings motive : A worker has an incentive to save for fear of losing his job and his income in the second period. The worker could save more by working more during the first period, and this additional motive for working is the precautionary savings motive. The insurance motive : When a worker is unemployed, he cannot expand his moonlighting hours according to his needs since the moonlighting hour is upward rigid. Therefore, a worker has an incentive to secure additional moonlighting hours in the first period so that quick adjustment can be made during the unemployment in the second period. Two policy measures to remove those motives for moonlighting are recommended, for these measures will enhance the productivity in the primary job. First, a firm should guarantee that there will be no layoffs in a downturn in the economy and that the employment level is adjusted to the economic states by work sharing among workers. Second, as unemployment insurance benefits compensate a portion of the income in case of unemployment, it substitutes the motives for moonlighting. A generalization of this argument can be found in Ehrlich and Becker(1972) where self-insurance(moonlighting) and market insurance(in this case, unemployment insurance) serves as substitutes. The two policy measures in the above have a spill-over effect : A decrease of labor supply in the moonlighting market will ease job search, and therefore will help those who have their primary job in the moonlighting sector.
