설침요법(舌鍼療法)에 대한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

Bibliographic Study on the Tongue-Acupunccture Therapy

  • 이준호 (대전대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 김기현 (대전대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • Lee, Jun Ho (Department of Orintal Medicine, Graduate School, Dae Jeon University) ;
  • Kim, Kee Hyun (Department of Orintal Medicine, Graduate School, Dae Jeon University)
  • 발행 : 1992.03.01


Based on recent 27 document, reported in Huang Ti Nei Ching, the following results concering the tongue and Tongue-acupuncture were obtained: 1. It was observed that the tongue has direct or indirect connection with the Heart meridian, the Liver meridian, the Spleen meridian, the Kidney meridian, the Triple energizer meridian and the Stomach meridian. 2. The Tongue-acupunccture, needlingon tongue, is one of new acupunctures treating general disorder and 31 acu-points have been found; 17 points on the upper part and 14 points on the lower part of the tongue. 3. The Tongue-acupuncture is employed by dividing the tongue into threeregions; Sangcho area(下焦穴), Jungcho area(中焦穴) and Hacho area(下焦穴). Each region cures its own corresponding symptoms. 4. The upper part of the tongue is divided into 4 regions by the sidelines along with Chuy Cheon(聚泉), So Jang Hyul(小腸穴) and Dae Jang Hyul(大腸穴). Sangcho area(上焦穴) includes Sim Hyul(心穴), Pye Hyul(肺穴), Sang Gi Hyul(上肢穴) and Jungcho area(中焦穴) includes Ui Hyul(胃穴), Bi Hyul(脾穴), Dam Hyul(膽穴) and Hacho area(下焦穴) includes Gan Hyul(肝穴), Bang Kwang Hyul(膀胱), Sin Hyul(腎穴) and the inner region includes Yim Hyul(陰穴), Ha Gi Hyul(下肢穴), on The lower part of the tongue, there are aec Hyul(額穴), Mok Hyul(目穴), Bi Hyul(鼻穴), I Hyul(耳穴), In Hu Hyul(咽喉穴) in contrast with the face above the center of the tongue as well as Gi Maek Hyul(支脈穴), Hae Chun Hyul(海泉), Gyum Gin Ok Aek(金津玉液), Seol Ha Hyul(舌下穴), Seol Gu(舌柱), Joa Chun Hyul(佐泉穴), Sin Gyun Hyul(神根穴), Jung Gu(中矩), Aek Bang Hyul(液旁穴). 5. The Tongue-acupuncture can be applied to the disease internal medicine, surgery, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, gynecology, musculoskeletal system, symptomatology.
