Fouling in Enhanced Tubes-Extension of Kern-Seaton Fouling Model to Repeated Ribbed Tubes

열전달 촉진관내의 화울링 해석-2차원 리브붙이관에 Kern-Seaton 화울링 모델 적용

  • Published : 1992.11.01


Fouling is "a major unsolved" area in heat transfer research. Currently, fouling researches are performed in every directions-fundamental aspects, modeling and cumulating experimental data. In this study, an attempt was made to extend the knowledge in enhanced tube fouling. The Kern-Seaton fouling model which was originally proposed for smooth tube fouling was extended to repeated rib tubes. Key parameters-mass transfer coefficient and wall shear stress-were modeled for repeated rib tubes. Some critical points related with the enhanced tube fouling-uncertainties in the mass transfer rate, wall shear stress modeling, deformation of roughness shape during fouling-were discussed, and some quantitative evaluations were made.
