태양에너지 (Solar Energy)
- 제12권2호
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- Pages.28-42
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- 1992
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- 0253-3103(pISSN)
밑면에 균일 열유속이 존재하는 밀폐공간에서의 복사 - 자연대류열전달
Combined Radiation and Natural Convection Heat Transfer in an Enclosure with a Constant Heat Flux at the Bottom
- Kwon, Sun-Sok (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dong-A Univ.) ;
Kwon, Yong-Il
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dong-A Univ.)
- 발행 : 1992.09.30
This investigation is carried out numerically for the two dimensional natural convection and surface radiation heat transfer in a square enclosure. The bottom wall is a constant heat flux at hot temperature and also top wall is isothermal at cold temperature whereas the left and right side walls are adiabatic except a transparent window on the right side partially. The exchange of radiant energy is obtained by the net radiation method and the shape factor by the crossed string method. The change in temperature and Nusselt number distributions of the walls due to the effect of the wall emissivity for various emissivities and for various dimensionless insolation energies are investigated. The dimensionless local convective heat flux and local radiative heat flux distributions in the wall except an adiabatic wall are also compared.