A GDSS for Obtaining Corporate Understanding : Improving the Synergy Effects through the Strategic Coordination of Conflicting Interdepartmental Goals

그룹 의사결정지원 시스템을 이용한 공동목표의식의 배양 : 부서간 이해차이의 전략적 조정을 통한 조직시너지 효과의 향상

  • Published : 1992.12.31


Generating an action plan and obtaining commitment to achieve it is desired in organizations, but not always achieved. Whatever the reason, there is a room for an improved approach to decision making, so that people can arrive at a common understanding of a problem and commitment to action. Those are the purposes of a Decision Conferencing(DC). A DC, one example of single workstation-based GDSSs, is a two-day session attended by a group of people who attempt to resolve important issues of concern to their organization with the help of group facilitation techniques and decision analytic computer modelling. The interchange of differing perspectives on the issues is encouraged by the facilitator who attends to group processes but does not contribute to the content of discussions. Decision analysis provides a variety of structures for modelling the differing perspectives. Information and value judgements are incorporated in these models, whose results usually reveal new, higher-level perspectives on the issues. Information technology is needed to combine the part of the model and to facilitate on-the-spot replay of results. The experimental case study in this paper shows that how a DC can help a Korea's trading company to develop new, corporate level resource allocation strategies which are based on improved consensus among competing participants.
