한국산 감자의 품종에 따른 갈색화반응에 관한 연구

Studies on the browning reaction of potato cultivars harvested in Korea

  • 김영선 (고려대학교 가정교육과) ;
  • 이귀주 (고려대학교 가정교육과)
  • Kim, Young-Sun (College of Education, Dept. of Home Economics, Korea University) ;
  • Lee, Gui-Ju (College of Education, Dept. of Home Economics, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 1992.08.01


In this study. we measured the degree of browning of 3 potato culitivars harvested in Korea and compositions such as total phenols, tyrosine and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity. And we compared the extent of browning and composition factors to investigated which was related to the differences among 3 cultivars in browning. The results are as follows. 1. Among 3 culitivars, Sumi browned most after grinding and showed that browning in Sumi was preceded by significant1y shorter lag time. Namjak and Sumi were rapid to brown compared to Daejima. 2. Among 3 culitivars, Sumi contained significant1y more total phenols than did Namjak and Daejima. On the other hand, tyrosine contents by automatic analyzer of Sumi and Namjak were similar and mat of Daejima was the lowest. PPO activities were higher when catechol was used as substrate and Sumi contained more PPO than did the other culitivars. 3. When we compared me browning behavior and composition of 3 culitivars, significant correlation was obtained between browning extent and total phenols, tyrosine and PPO. For me individual cultivar, Sumi which browned much extensively showed higher correlation between browning and PPO. On the other hand, the other cultivars showed higher correlation with total phenols and tyrosine, respectively.
