경주마에 있어서 개체감별을 위한 Micro Chip의 이용에 대하여

A Trial Using a Micro Chip for Horse Identification

  • 발행 : 1992.06.01


This trial is concerned with practical application of a M. C. that was injected Into the horse's muscle in order to make a effective identification by computer compatible. Following results were obtained through the study of histopathologic changes, migration of M. C. and possible problems about practical application. 1. Muscle romboideus cervicalis(site 'A') was thought to be the best Injection site of M. C. in the horse. 2. There were no the exact interface between the M. C. and surrounding tissue. It seemed to be why the implanted transponder was located in the muscle fascia. 3. No evidence of migration in the tissues was found through the radiographs taken after implantation 4. There were no clinical disorder and interference with racing performance. 5. ID 100 from Trovan, Co. had some advantages comparing with TX 1400 L from Destron, Co. These are, for instance, the long readout distance and the easy application of computer in the field practive.
