X-선학적 진단에 의한 대사성 골질환 예

Radiographical Diagnosis of Metabolic Bone Disease

  • 발행 : 1992.12.01


Seven patients with signs of metabolic bone disease clinically seen at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Seoul National University from May 1990 to February 1992 were evaluated retrospectively. 1. Clinical signs include bowed leg, deformity of spine, digestive disturbance, constipation, retarded growth, lameness and hindlimb paralysis. 2. Radiographical sings include generalized skeletal demineralization, decreased radiological contrast between skeleton and soft tissues, thinning of bone cortex and pathological fractures. The diagnosis of nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism resulting in metabolic bone disease caused by mineral imbalance was made based upon history, clinical signs, physical examination and radiographical signs.
