개에서 자해방지를 위해 사용되는 목칼라들에 관한 비교연구

Comparative Study on the Neck Collars Used for the Protection of Self-mutilation in Dogs

  • 발행 : 1992.12.01


To investigate the effect of neck collars for the protection of self-mutilation, attainable sites of the body in dogs with collars and durability of collars were examined for 7 days. The collars used in the present experiment were hand made plastic basket collar, IASIS$\^$R/ ( heat moldable plastics), commerical plastic and cardboard collars The hand made plastic basket collar was made of basket which could buy at any supermarkets. The dogs with hand made plastic basket collar and IASIS$\^$R/ which was cast from the neck to the scapular region could lick only on digits of the forelimb. However, the dogs with commercial plastic and cardboard collars could lick not only the digits of forelimb but femur and digits of the hindlimb. It was suggested that hand made plastic basket collar was superior to the other collars in easiness of putting, durability, protection of self mutilation and economy.
