독성폐기물로 오염된 산업촉매 재생공정에 초임계유체기술의 적용

Superitical fluid (SCF) technology application to the regeneration of industrial catalyst contaminated with toxic materials

  • 이재동 (경원전문대학 소방안전관리과) ;
  • 윤용수 (단국대학교 화학공학과) ;
  • 홍인권 (단국대학교 화학공학과) ;
  • 정일현 (단국대학교 화학공학과)
  • 발행 : 1992.03.01


Supercritical fluid technology was applied to the regeneration of industrial catalyst contaminated with toxic materials. The regeneration process of activated loaded with phenol was proposed, then the adsorphon tower was packed with the activated carbon-bed. Phenol diffuses into supercritical carbon dioxide(SCC) through the micro-pore and voldge of the activated carbon. The saturated solubility of phenol in SCC depended on the density of SCC varing with temperature and pressure conditions. Therefore, the fasile phase equilibrium calculation model of dxpanded liquid One was proposed, and equilibrium solubility of phenol in SCC was calculated using the model theoretically. The regeneration mechanism of activated carbon was analysed by degree of saturation of phenol and diffusion in SCC. The solubility prediction was more satisfactory for the wide range of SCC density than the dense gas model and the desorption of phenol depended on the degree of saturation of phenol in SCC.
